
Paraffin candles-product of the past?

After the end of the Second World War the production of candles is steadily increasing. Those candles were produced almost on 100% from paraffin. The paraffin remains as a byproduct in the production of gasoline. Therefore the producer’s prices were low, like gasoline with the cars. The gasoline prices are rising along with that the paraffin price is rising too. Therefore the stearin takes his place as main raw material in the production of candles. If all candles were made of stearin that would had been no more than 1% of the world production.


The stearin of palm oil is considered for the best raw material in the production of candles which have certain advantages over the traditional paraffin candles and compared to them they emit 12% less СО2.


In 2007 in Germany are sold around 200 000 tones candles. Almost 98% of them were made of paraffin. The burning of these candles produces approximately 630 000 tones CO2 which equates to the emission of this harmful gas from 484 000 cars per year (130 gr. CO2/km. mileage per year).


This quantity is comparable with the emit of CO2 from all cars in a big city such as Main, Frankfurt. The usage of stearic candles instead of paraffin candles would have significantly contributed for reducing of this pollution.


Another disadvantage of paraffin candles is the presence of certain solvents contained in them such as benzyl, alkanes, alkenes or toluol. It has been proved that these elements cause cancer. Stearic candles are produced from adapted for food products palm oil. Studies of the research institute of DEKRA have established that the requirements of the system of quality standards RAL (GZ 041 Attachment 1 from September 2009).


Did you know that...?


If you replace the burning of all paraffin candles in Germany with stearic ones may save the separation of 484 600 vehicles. 200 000 tones candles are being sold per year. The consumption per capita of the population in 2007 amounts to about 2.5 kg.



Advantages of stearic compared with paraffin candles:


  • Stearic candles burn without releasing CO2
  • Unlike paraffin- stearic candles produce around 12% less CO2
  • Stearic candles are produced from animal respectively vegetable fats; most commonly from palm oil- an organic  raw
  • Stearic candles preserve their shape to up to 60ᵒC
  • Stearic candles smoke less
  • Unlike paraffin stearic candles do not smell like oil
  • The remains of stearic candles can be disposed off as waste in bio containers. Paraffin candles are hazardous waste such as gasoline or diesel
  • Stearic candles are made of palm oil which is suitable for food products
  • Stearic candles are tolerated by asthmatics


Comparison between stearic, paraffin and wax candles:


 Stearic candlesParaffin
Method of production of the rawPalm oil, handmade oilPetroleum, mechanicalBees wax,
Impact on the environmentDoes not emit environmentally harmful emissionsAlkanes, alkenes, ketones, benzyl and toluol emissions released 
Health impactNot hazardous to healthRegular usage can lead to allergic eczemas, respiratory damages or astma; even lung cancer 
Resistance to deformationsResistant and stable to 60ᵒC
Melting over 60 ᵒC
Low degree of softening around 40ᵒC
Melting over 55ᵒC